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Using the dances from history to teach, to train, and entertain

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Sunday 23rd January 2022
Online Dancing with the Bard of Scotland!
“Put Life and Mettle in yer heels!” (Tam O’Shanter)
There is a Scottish tradition to dance together to celebrate the national poet, Robert Burns near to his birthday. On Sunday 23rd January (12 noon UK time) you can join the online course and be part of these celebrations virtually.
This class will introduce you to some of the historical origins of Scottish dancing!
Join in a reconstruction of Playford’s dance LULL ME BEYOND THEE which inspired Burns to write his sung ballad JOHN BARLEYCORN
Join in an Online choreography for AULD LANG SYNE

2.30pm - 4.30pm
St Martin's Hall, Lodge Hill Close,
Lower Bourne, Farnham, Surrey
Saturday 5th February 2022
Italian Renaissance - La Dame, Alexandresca and Gelosia.
Breaktime lecture on the Italian Dancing masters.
Sunday 28th November 2021
Medieval Estampies - single and double and No 6,
a circle dance to celebrate St Catherine's Day.
Breaktime lecture on Medieval Needlework.
Sunday 5th September 2021
Instruction on dances from the medieval period, focusing
on techniques taught and researched by Peggy Dixon.
- Farandole, different shapes and variations.
- Early branles (simple and double)
- Circle dances (Sumer is icumen in, Kalenda Maya)
Breaktime lecture on a short Medieval Social History
All abilities welcome.
Sunday 5th September 2021
2.30pm - 4.30pm
Cost £20 (£18 for Nonsuch members)
St Martin's Hall, Lodge Hill Close,
Lower Bourne, Farnham,
Surrey GU10 3PJ
Instruction on dances from the medieval period, focusing on techniques taught and researched by Peggy Dixon.
- Farandole, different shapes and variations.
- Early branles (simple and double)
- Circle dances (Sumer is icumen in, Kalenda Maya)
A short Medieval Social History lecture will be presented.
Tea and refreshments of the period will be included during the lecture.
All abilities welcome.
​Book via the Eventbrite ink -
11 - 18 July 2021
The Midsummer Early Dance & Music Virtual Festival is running for the 2nd year as a collaboration between Nonsuch History & Dance , Dance & History e.V. (Germany), and The New York Baroque Dance Company (USA).
What's on offer?
- 5 dance workshops with Catherine Turocy, Hubert Hazebroucq, Caroline Muraldo, Sam Gosk, Darren Royston, and Diana Campoo on Baroque, Regency, Caribbean, and Medieval dance;
- Panel discussion in a presentation style with examples of how we bring to life the dance from the past with dance historians, curators, dancers, and choreographers;
- 2 video projects featuring performances of early dance in theatrical settings and in a social context.
Thursday 29th April 2021
PLEASE SHARE OUR VIDEO (SEE BELOW) on 29th April on all social media platforms and make sure you find a way to dance on this day - even if that means online in your own room!
International Dance Day takes place every year on 29 April, which is the anniversary of the birth of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727–1810). Noverre was a French dancer and dancing master and is generally considered the creator of “ballet d’action” - a hybrid genre of dramatic dance that emerged during the 18th century.
INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY strives to encourage participation and education in all types of dance through events and festivals held on the date all over the world.
Please enjoy watching our VIDEO we have compiled especially for 2021 Dance Day.
This last year has been very different in the world of dance, with restrictions on how and when we can dance.
You will see memories of times in the past when we could dance and perform in public. There are highlights from NONSUCH appearing at:
· The Middle Temple, London
· The National Centre for Early Music, York
· The International Medieval Congress, Leeds
· The Resolution Festival at The Place, London
· The Dance Conservatory, Seville, Spain
· UNESCO dance events in UK & Spain
· Arts Council of England project: The Dance of Deadly Sins
NONSUCH used online platforms to present the ONLINE HISTORY AND DANCE CLUB: “FROM FALL TO SPRING” from October 2020 – March 2021. Special guests of academics, historians, musicians, costumiers, and theatre directors joined online participants from all around the world! Sessions moved chronologically from the medieval period through to the Victorian age. On this video we sample a few moments:
· Social dances such as the Branle de la Torche - with improvised torches (Jo Hobbs & Caryl Griffith)
· Partner dances such as Torneo Amoroso with your “love tournament” partner in a different zoom box! (Faye Maughan & Neil Hancock)
· Drama and scenes from plays and novels – such as Scrooge from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol(Andrew Holdsworth)
· Costume and etiquette from the novels of Jane Austen (Ruth & Rosie: re-enactors from Kentwell Hall)
· Live music on many musical instruments (Ruth Hopkins of the K’antu Ensemble)
· Scottish steps and dance tunes (Alena Shmakova & Dr. Aaron McGregor)
Thank you to all contributors to the ONLINE CLUB:
Dr. Alena Shmakova of Les Danses Antiques
Dr. Aaron McGregor of University of Glasgow
Susan de Guardiola of USA / Russia
Geoff & Liz Bowen of the Yorkshire Dales Workshops (Joshua Jackson manuscript editors)
Sian Walters, Cambridge University, Art History Focus, Dance in Art project from National Gallery, London
Prof. Michael Burden of Oxford University & Oxford Dance Symposium
Cecilia Dorland, Artistic Director of Scena Mundi
Ruth Hopkins of K’antu
Neil Hancock of The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
Peter Stickney of The Lord Chamberlain’s Men
Yvonne McCombie of Nemesis Works
Izabella Pitcher of Prior Attire
Frances Rive of Royal Ballet / Youth Music Initiative Coordinator for City of Edinburgh Council
Emmanuel Siffert, Principal Conductor Orchquestra Sinfonica San Juan Argentina & Professor of Opera Repertoire, Buenos Aires
Delma Tomlin MBE, Director of the National Centre for Early Music
Jo Hobbs & Caryl Griffith of Kentwell Hall
Mickey Wongsathapornpat of University of Cambridge & Opera Siam Bangkok, Thailand with violinist Phongphairoj (Tongsu)
The Nonsuch Dancers :
ONLINE CLUB Dance Demonstrators: Penelope Boff, Faye Maughan, Jo Hobbs, Caryl Griffith.
VIMEO recordings: Francesca Perissinotto Delle Roche, Tomos Young, Andrew Holdsworth, Jo Bartlett, Benedict Smith, Dan Wilby, Hanna Randall (costume), Oliver Goater (filming), Jed Staton (editing).
DANCE OF THE DEADLY SINS Arts Council England project: Penelope Boff, Joy Renzi, Danielle Mansell, Dylan Lincoln, Amanda Bates, Frances Billington, Caryl Giffith, Ian Hoggart, Peter Culshaw, musicians from The National Centre for Early Music.
Thanks to all our members, special guests and audiences, NONSUCH can proudly declare that this year we have followed the advice from the President of the UNESCO International Dance Council:
A message from the President of UNESCO International Dance Day
“As dance professionals, think of your role in the present situation of pandemic, lockdown and curfew. People need you now and will need you after this crisis. You produce a vaccine against the virus of the soul: you know how to make people dance. You hear the call, answer it!”
President of the International Dance Council, UNESCO
A DANCE DAY message from Artistic Director, Darren Royston
“NONSUCH HISTORY AND DANCE have done more than survive the pandemic: our members have discovered new ways to research and teach the history of dance, to train dancers online in age-old techniques, to entertain and perform dance from the past on the world wide web network, and to produce documentaries available for future examination.
Dance has always been a state of intense being, known to all generations and connecting people together globally, as this year’s UNESCO President highlights.
NONSUCH looks forward to being part of the post-pandemic renaissance of the future, supporting the aims of UNESCO International Dance Council.”
Darren Royston, Artistic Director, NONSUCH HISTORY AND DANCE

Nonsuch History Dance – Online Club
From Fall to Spring: six months for studying six centuries of dance!
October 2020 - March 2021
Join Darren Royston, celebrated choreographer and teacher, for online sessions
exploring historical dances from medieval periods to the nineteenth century.
Darren, together with guest teachers, artists, specialists, and friends, will recreate
historical dance using music, paintings, costumes, history and drama from
different periods.
From Fall to Spring will move through historical periods and learn the early dance
essentials based on latest research and the Nonsuch repertoire, as published in
Peggy Dixon’s “Dances from the Courts of Europe” and Darren Royston’s “Dramatic Dance.”